quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2007

Roman Polanski (1933-)


1962 Knife in the Water
1965 Repulsion
1966 Cul-de-sac
1967 The Fearless Vampire Killers
1968 Rosemary’s Baby
1971 Macbeth
1972 What?
1974 Chinatown
1976 The Tenant
1979 Tess
1986 Pirates
1988 Frantic
1992 Bitter Moon
1994 Death and the Maiden
1999 The Ninth Gate
2002 The Pianist
2005 Oliver Twist
2010 The Ghost Writer

Nomeações aos Óscares
1969 Melhor Argumento Adaptado - Rosemary's Baby
1975 Melhor Realizador - Chinatown
1981 Melhor Realizador - Tess
2003 Melhor Filme - The Pianist
2003 Melhor Realizador* - The Pianist

Festival de Berlim
1966 Urso de Ouro - Cul-de-sac

Festival de Cannes
2002 Palma de Ouro - The Pianist

Festival de Veneza
1993 Leão de Ouro de Carreira

The Charlie Rose Show (2000)

All-Movie Guide
Amazon Books
Amazon DVDs
Chinatown: Other places, other times
Film Reference
From the eye to the hand: The victim's double vision in the films of Roman Polanski
Polish Culture Profile
Roman Polanski Gallery
Roman Polanski.Net
Roman Polanski: The artful dodger
Roman Polanski Vision
Rotten Tomatoes
Sympathetic spectators: Roman Polanski's The Tenant
The Atheist's Shoah - Roman Polanski's The Pianist
The Birdcage is empty: Further thoughts on Roman Polanski's The Pianist
The Guardian Profile
Weirdness through simplicity: Roman Polanski's The Pianist